Sunday, January 11, 2009

New year, new school <_<

Yes, this post is about the school I am currently studying in. And I am too lazy to post about the other days in Bali and I am pretty sure you don't want to know anyways.

So, I am currently studying in SMK Confucian. Which is located next to Methodist Boy School. That also means tons of people are transferring to there in Confucian <_<.

Anyways, quote time: ''Confucian is a gangsta school''By my cousin Shyang. My comment on this quote: Partially true, I haven't seen any gangsters yet, but their prefects makes me agree with this comments. To make it easier for Lai Meng students to understand, these prefects are pretty much the opposite of the prefects back in my primary school.

Well, to describe their teachers, I will describe them as ''Teachers'' and for the students: ''Students'', they are all just the common set of students you see in you r everyday life.

School there is pretty normal I guess. They divided us into classes according to our UPSR results. My class might be filled with 4/5 A students, but they aren't actually as genius as some of you might think. But now, I am in the ''School Transfer'' class, which holds all the students that are applying for a transfer (Did I even need to explain that?)

Well, that is all, as I have nothing else to say.

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