Friday, December 5, 2008

A Trip of Miracles

I am listing this in a special order, and this only contains the VERY interesting stuff, to prevent excessive boredom.

Places went in this trip: Italy(Milan, Rome, Verona, Venice, Pisa, Florence), France (Nice and Cannes), Vatican City, Monaco(Monte Carlo) and Switzerland (Lugano) Yes, it is 5 countries in 10 days.

1.Snow in Milan!

On the last day, Milan was snowing.This was very special as it almost never snows in Italy when it is November.The snow wasn't too strong at start, it melted before it reached the ground. But on the way to the Maplensa airport, snow was pretty much every where. I will post the pictures in another post because someone just had to be lazy enough to not upload them on photobucket.

2.Snow in Nice

Nice (pronounced Niece) had snow it in (Note: It was not snowing when I was there, but it had snow) This was super rare because snow only falls in Nice every 10 years or so, and if it happens, it only happens in December or January!

3.The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Big fact: The leaning tower of Pisa is not disappointing! I got nothing to say about it except you can actually go up for 15 Euros and it is located in the Field of Miracles/ Miracle Square



How to make a leaning tower straight by my mother.


How to make a leaning tower lean even more by me.


How to make a leaning tower lean A LOT by me again.


My sister ''pushing the tower''. It actually leans more than this.

4. The great disappointment that is the Colosseum

The Colosseum sucks very badly. Seriously, I don't know why it is even 1 of the 7 wonders. If i describe it, I will say:'' it is an old oval building with a lot of holes and a wall on a side.

Pictures to prove my claim, but they don't really show anything:



This is actually a picture of a couple getting married, but it does show the Colosseum.

That is all for today. Cheers.

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