Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fide Et Labore

Firstly, I am really sorry for not updating for ages (actually, I am not sorry but that is no the point). But you cant really blame for because i just finished my exams XD.

So, as some of you know, I just transferred out from Confucian into St John (Yay!).
I don't really have much to say except St John is better in terms of nearly everything. And St John's field is HUGE. Even words cannot describe the size of this field, lets say it is about 8 times the size of Lai Meng's field -_-.

Oh, what I don't like about St John is that there a a lot of stairs, and the stairs have a lot of steps <_<. I feel like dying every time I reach my classroom, which is on the top floor <_<.

The exams there were decent but I know I am going to fail my KH. Seriously, as some of you know, at Confucian i studied Kemahiran Teknikal, now i study Commerce -.-. Anyways, every other subject was somehow easy (well, maybe not Sejarah, but everyone hates Sejarah right? XD) I don't really have anything else to say.

Oh, and the explanation of the title is, Fide Et Labore is the school motto of St John, and the meaning is:

Fide Et Labore
Faith and Zeal

Well, that is all.